Implement polling technique with Golang

Hello everyone, in the previous post, I introduced the Polling technique. In this post, I will leverage the power of Golang to implement the Polling technique (Short Polling and Long Polling). This is a blog post in my System Design series, if you are interested in issues related to system design. software system, follow this series to update the latest knowledge! Short polling In this approach, the downstream will send a request to the upstream after a certain period of time. This is the simplest approach. ...

27 Apr, 2024 ยท 4 min ยท 785 words ยท Duc Truong

What is polling technique? Short polling vs long polling

In an era of relentless technological advancement, increasingly sophisticated software systems are emerging, accompanied by ever-growing and complex data. To handle large and complex data, modern software systems are often designed using the Microservices model. The Microservices model helps break down the system into smaller services, each of which can have even smaller components. One of the biggest challenges when building a Microservices system is how to make the services communicate with each other effectively. In this article, we will explore a communication technique between services or components in the Microservices model, known as Polling. ...

23 Apr, 2024 ยท 6 min ยท 1233 words ยท Duc Truong